Ruchi Sharma

Ruchi Sharma

Company: National Eye Institute

Job title: Senior Staff Scientiat


Unlocking Insights Into AMD Pathogenesis with Advancements in In Vitro Modelling Including Cell Cultures & Retinal Organoids 11:00 am

Reviewing the differential susceptibility of macular RPE cells and the role of RPE dysregulation in AMD pathogenesis Recapitulating the morphological and functional abnormalities of dry AMD in in vitro models including spontaneously formed cell lines, immortalized cells, primary human and animal RPE cells, and embryonic and induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) derived RPE Generating retinal…Read more

day: Conference Day 1

Developing Preclinical Models That Recapitulate Disease Phenotypes of Retinal Pigment Epithelium & Photoreceptor Cells for Efficient Translation Into the Clinic 9:10 am

The lack of reliable preclinical models for dry AMD and geographic atrophy have proved to be a major hurdle in current AMD drug discovery and research. Several genetically modified mouse models previously developed have failed to fully recapitulate the AMD phenotypes, therefore, posing as a challenge during translation into the clinic. Join this workshop to:…Read more

day: Workshop Day

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