Harshal Shah

Harshal Shah

Company: Sanofi

Job title: Head of Device Strategy & Innovation


Delving Into the Next Generation of Ophthalmic Drug Delivery 8:30 am

Understanding the latest advancements in surgical tools, catheters and active implant Obtaining insights into the design, development and manufacturing scale-up processes that transform these concepts into market-ready solutions Unlocking how AI/ML driven analytics are revolutionizing ophthalmic deliveryRead more

day: Conference Day Two

Panel Discussion & Live Audience Q&A: Optimizing Drug Delivery to the Macula 9:00 am

Exploring the implications of using topical solutions for dry AMD and GA considering the spread of disease across the retina Overcoming the hurdles of delivery of cell and gene therapies to understand how they can be improved to make delivery of protein therapeutics easier Exploring how oral therapeutic might be the answer to achieving non-invasive…Read more

day: Conference Day Two

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